Build a box car - beep beep

Build a box car - beep beep


Take your toys for a spin in this toy car made from recyclables

Skills and benefits:

  • Fine motor skills development
  • Gross motor skills development
  • Creativity and imagination

What you'll need:

  • ​A box (any size will do, depending on how big you would like your car to be  
  • Cardboard/coloured paper
  • Glue
  • Cupcake cases
  • Toys to ‘drive’ the car (or depending on the size of your box, your child may like to sit in and drive themselves)

What to do:

  1. Cut a hole in the top of your box for the driver
  2. Decorate the box with cardboard, paper and detail with textas
  3. Glue 4 cupcake cases as wheels and add any other recycled items for other details.
  4. Attach a 5th cupcake case as a steering wheel and away you go!